
Third Person Shooter with Shooter NPC or AI

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Description :

A Third Person Shooting Player with three weapon and a NPC shooter. This unity packages have some dependency. You need to download and imported inside of this unity project' s Asset folder.Where only one have external asset a mixamo character and animations. You are requested to download and put all the dependency in your project otherwise it may not work properly.

Watch Youtube demo videos

  1. Version - 1.2.2

  2. Version - 1.1.1

  3. Version - 1.1.0

  4. Version - 1.0.0

Play Demo Game

This package has following characteristics

Dependency and Credits :


LICENSE by baponkar

Version 1.0.1, June 2022

Revised 1.0.2, 27, Dec, 2022

Copyright (C)2022 Bapon Kar,

Howrah, India

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


You can use or copy or distribute the part or full program from this package for non commercial purpose but if you want to use it for commarcial purpose then you need to donate me minimum $2 before using it. There is no gurrenty that it will perform good.I or author of this programm don't have any liability for any faulty program or file. If you download or use this package then you are fully agree with terms and conditions which are written in this License.

This program uses some external programms which are governed by their corresponding third party licenses. For any legal action will be undertaken by Indian Penal code Jurisdiction.


You need to create these Layers :


You need to create following Tags :

  1. Need to assign "Character" Layer to the layers of Player(swat@T-Pose) and _AI_SWAT prefabs.
  2. Need to assign "Pickup" Layer to the all Pickups prefabs.
  3. Need to assign "Minimap" Layer to the minimap prefab.
  4. Need to assign "UI" Layer to the all UI elements.
  5. Need to assign "Everything" Layer to the AudioControl script which attached to the player prefab child object.

Now if you want NPC will attack only the Player not to each other then you need to create **Player** layer and select to the *swat@T-Pose* which is a child object of **_TPS_Player** Prefab. - After that change layer of AiVisonSensor which is attached to the _AI_SWAT Prefab with **Player** and **Pickup**. - Then change 35th line of **AiSensoryMemory.cs** script with int targets = sensor.Filter (characters, "Player");


  1. Project Name - Third Person Shooter Player
  2. Used Unity Version to build this project - 2020.15f2
  3. Developer Name : baponkar
  4. Social Site : twittwr badge
  5. Contact for Support :
  6. Build Date : 07-07-2022
  7. Last Updated : 09-10-2022

Copyright © baponkar