Now that we can get scancodes from the keyboard (see the previous chapter), we’ll look at building a simple PS/2 keyboard driver.
First of all, the driver is generally not responsible for translating the key presses and releases into printable characters, the driver’s purpose is to deal with the specifics of the device (the PS2 keyboard) and provide a generic interface for getting key presses/releases. However it does usually involve translating from the keyboard-specific scancode into an os-specific one. The idea is that if more scancode sets or keyboards (like USB) are supported later on, these can be added without having to modify any code that uses the keyboard. Simply write a new driver that provides the same interface and it will work!
Our keyboard driver does care about keeping track of any keyboard events (presses/releases), and making them available to any code that needs them. Quite often these events will be consumed (that is, read by some other code and then removed from the driver’s buffer).
As already mentioned there are 3 scan code sets. We’ll focus on just one (set 1, since by default the ps2 controller translates the other sets to set 1 when the system is powered). We’ll implement the translate function in a generic fashion to make adding other scancode sets easier in the future.
Now let’s see what are the problems we need to solve when developing a keyboard driver:
From now on we will assume that the scancode translation is enabled, so no matter what set is being used it will be translate to set 1.
In the previous chapter we have seen how an interrupt was generated and how to read data from the keyboard. Now we need to write a proper driver, one which addresses the issues listed above (well not all of them since some are an higher level than they will be implemented “using” the driver, not by it).
We will try to build the driver in small steps adding one piece at time, so it will be easier to understand it.
The first thing we’ll want to keep track of in the keyboard driver is what keys were pressed and in what order. For our example driver we’re going to use a circular buffer because it has a fixed memory usage (does not require re-allocating memory) and is similar in speed to an array. The only downside is that we have to decide what happens when the buffer is full: we can either drop the oldest scancodes, or drop the latest one we tried to add. This is not really an issue if the buffer is made large enough, given that some application will be consuming the keyboard events from the buffer shortly after they’re added.
uint8_t keyboard_buffer[MAX_KEYB_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buf_position = 0;
If we want to store just the scancode we don’t need much more, so we can already implement our new irq handler:
void keyboard_driver_irq_handler() {
uint8_t scancode = inb(0x60); // Read byte from the Keyboard data port
keyboard_buffer[buf_position] = scancode;
buf_position = (buf_position + 1) % MAX_KEYB_BUFFER_SIZE;
And we’re done! This first function will keep track of the scancode generated by a key press, and since we’re using set 1 it also will tell us if the button has been pressed (MAKE) or released (BREAK).
Now using uint8_t
as the buffer type can work in this rather simple scenario, but it make our driver hard to expand for future updates. For example what if we want to attach some extra information to each key event? We will actually be doing this in the future, so we’ll make our lives easier now by using a struct.
typedef struct {
uint8_t code;
} key_event;
So the updated irq function will be:
key_event keyboard_buffer[MAX_KEYB_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buf_position = 0;
void keyboard_driver_irq_handler() {
int scancode = inb(0x60); // Read byte from the Keyboard data port
keyboard_buffer[buf_position].code = scancode;
buf_position = (buf_position + 1) % MAX_KEYB_BUFFER_SIZE;
There are a few limitations with this implementation, but we have a working skeleton of a driver. We can track keypresses in a circular buffer.
Depending on the scancode set, there are some keys that generate a scancode with more than one byte. This means that we will have one interrupt generated for every byte placed on the data port. For example when using the scancode set 1 there are some keys (i.e. ctrl, shift, alt) that have the prefix byte 0xE0
. Now the problem is that we can’t read both bytes in one single interrupt, because even if we do, we still get two interrupts generated. We’re going to solve this problem by keeping track of the current status of what we’re reading. To do this we will implement a very simple state machine that has two states:
) it will remain in this state. After being in the prefix state and reading a byte, it will also return to this state.If we don’t know what a state machine is there’s a link to the wikipedia page in the Useful Resources
appendix chapter. It’s a straight-foward concept: an algorithm can only be in one of several states, and the algorithm reacts differently in each state. In our example we’re going to use a global variable to identity the state:
#define NORMAL_STATE 0
#define PREFIX_STATE 1
uint8_t current_state;
There are some scancodes that have up to 4 or more bytes which we’re not going to cover here.
Author’s note: This is one area where the state-machine implementation can break down. As you potentially need a separate state for each byte in the sequence. An alternative implementation, that’s not covered here, is to have an array of uint8_t
s, and a pointer to the latest byte in the buffer. The idea being: read a byte from the buffer, place it after the last received byte in the array, and then increment the variable of the latest byte. Then you can check if a full scancode has been received, for extended codes beginning with 0xE0 you’re expecting 2 bytes, for normal codes only 1 byte. Once you’ve detected a full scancode in the buffer, process it, and reset the pointer in the buffer for the next byte to zero. Therefore the next byte gets placed at the start of the buffer. Now it’s just a matter of making the buffer large enough, which is trivial.
Regarding storing the prefix byte, this comes down to a design decision. In our case we’re not going to store them as they don’t contain any information we need later on, when translating these scancodes into the kernel scancodes. Just to re-iterate: the idea of using a separate, unrelated, scancode set inside the kernel is that we’re not bound to any implementation. Our keyboard driver can support as many sets as needed, and the running programs just use what the kernel provides, in this case its own scancode set. It seems like a lot of work up front, but it’s a very useful abstraction to have!
Now by changing the current_state
variable, we can change how the code will treat the incoming data. We’ll also need an init function, so we can do some set up like setting the default state and zeroing the keyboard event buffer:
#define NORMAL_STATE 0
#define PREFIX_STATE 1
uint8_t current_state;
void init_keyboard() {
// You'll want to do other setup here in your own driver:
// ensure the input buffer of the keyboard is empty, check which scancode
// set is in use, enable irqs.
current_state = NORMAL_STATE;
void keyboard_driver_irq_handler() {
int scancode = inb(0x60); // Read byte from the Keyboard data port
if (scancode == 0xE0) {
current_state = PREFIX_STATE
// We have read a prefix, so update the state and exit.
if (current_state == PREFIX_STATE) {
// Store the next part of the scancode, then return to normal state.
current_state = NORMAL_STATE;
For our purposes we’re considering the modifier keys to be ctrl, alt, shift, gui/super. The caps lock could also be considered a modifier key too. These keys are interesting because they can drastically alter the meaning of other key presses. Of course an application can choose any key to be a modifier key, but we will only be supporting the common ones. We’re going to store the state of these modifier keys alongside each keypress inside the struct we created earlier so that an application can quickly tell how to interpret a key event by only looking at a single event, rather than having to track the state of the modifiers themselves. This reduces a lot of duplicate code.
Some examples of how an application might use the modifiers:
key is pressed the translation to ascii mechanism needs to know it because it has to return the shifted/capital symbol associated with that key.ctrl
or alt
are pressed the driver needs to know it because it can trigger either a key combination or some of the “alt”ernative symbols on some special keyboard keys.Our driver will need to keep track of the current state of all the modifiers, and then store a snapshot of their state when a key event happens. Time to update our key_event
typedef struct {
uint8_t code;
bool shift_pressed;
bool alt_pressed;
// ... etc
} key_event;
Now the above structure will work, but it’s not optimal as each bool takes a full byte. We can do better! Let’s use a bitfield.
Each modifier is represented by a bit, with 1 meaning the modifier was also pressed and 0 meaning it wasn’t.
typedef struct {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t status_mask;
} key_event;
Now it’s just a matter of keeping track of which bit represents which modifier key. The easiest way is to use #define
s for each bit, something like:
#define CTRL_MASK 1
#define ALT_MASK 2
#define SHIFT_MASK 3
We’re not interested in the difference between the left and right versions of the modifier keys for now, but eventually we could store those as separate bits. Updating the state of a modifier key can be done by using standard bitwise operations.
As an example, say we detect the CTRL key is pressed. We would want to update the current modifiers (which we store a copy of whenever we store a new key event):
current_modifiers |= 1 << CTRL_MASK;
And to clear the bit when we detect CTRL is released:
current_modifiers &= ~(1 << CTRL_MASK);
At this point we just need to identify what key is being pressed/released and update the status_mask
The case of caps lock can be handled in 2 ways. The first is to add a boolean variable to the key_event
struct which stores the current state of caps lock. We can also use one of the unused bits in the status_mask
An interesting note is that on ps/2 keyboards the LEDs must be controlled manually, implementing this is as simple as a single command to the keyboard, and is left as an exercise for the reader.
Now that all the core parts of the driver are in place, let’s talk about translation.
There’s two main stages of translation we’re interested in at the moment:
Translation from the keyboard scancode to the kernel one can be done in a number of ways. In our example driver we’re going to use a lookup table in the form of an array.
Our array is going to be an aray of kernel scancodes, with the index into the array being the keyboard scancode. Let’s say get scancode 0x12
from the keyboard, and we know that key is the F1
key (just an example, check the real scancodes before implementing this).
We could use the following:
//an example of our kernel-specific scancodes:
//note that these are totally arbitrary and can be whatever you want.
typedef enum kernel_scancodes {
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
//this is our lookup table for converting scancodes
kernel_scancodes scancode_mapping[] = {
[ ... 0x11 previous entries ]
//this is at position 0x12 in the array
[ ... entries 0x13 and onwards ]
//now to translate a scancode, we would use:
uint8_t keyboard_scancode = 0x12;
kernel_scancodes translated_scancode = scancode_mapping[keyboard_scancode];
There are a few edge cases here, one of them being: what if a keyboard scancode doesnt have a kernel scancode to map to? We’ve used the value zero to mean ‘no translation’ and any key events with 0 as the scancode should be ignored. We could also filter them out when an application tries to get any pending key events.
We also don’t check if the keyboard scancode is within the lookup table, which it may not be. This is something to consider.
So now we have our internal representation of a scancode, and the code
field in the key_event
structure outlined above can use it. In the paragraph Store Key Press History we have seen how the interrupt handler should save the key event in the circular buffer. However that was before we had any translation. Using what we saw above we’ll change the following line to now use the lookup table instead of storing the scancode directly:
keyboard_buffer[buf_position].code = scancode;
keyboard_buffer[buf_position].code = scancode_mapping[scancode];
At this point we have a fully functioning PS/2 keyboard driver! However we will quickly cover translating a kernel scancode into a printable character, as that’s a useful feature to have at this stage.
There’s a few approaches to getting printable characters from our kernel scancodes:
Using a lookup table like we did before. We could have 2 tables, one for shifted keys and one for non-shifted keys.
Using a big switch statement, with inline if/elses to handle shifting.
A lookup table would work the same as it did above. If we want the scancode with the value 6 to to translate to the printable character ‘f’, we would put ‘f’ at the 6th position in the lowercase array, and ‘F’ in the 6th position of the shifted array.
char lower_chars[] = {
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', [ ... ]
char shifted_chars[] = {
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', [ ... ]
char get_printable_char(key_event key)
if (key.status_mask & CTRL_MASK || key.caps_lock)
return shifted_chars[key.code];
return lower_chars[key.code];
Instead of having two tables, only the lower_chars
one can be used and an offset (if using basic ascii) can be used to calculate the shifted key value. This works for simple scenarios, but will break for any non-us keyboards or symbols. It’s also not very expandable in the future.
To calculate the offset to apply, we can use size_t offset = 'a' - 'A';
, and then add offset
to the value from the lookup table if it’s a letter, or just add 0x10 if it’s a digit.
Using the switch statement approach looks like the following:
char get_printable_char(key_event key)
const bool shifted = key.status_mask & CTRL_MASK || key.caps_lock;
switch (key.code)
case KEY_A:
return shifted ? 'A' : 'a';
case KEY_B:
return shifted ? 'B' : 'b';
[ ... ]
And that’s basically it, in this chapter we went through the basic of implementing a Keyboard Driver, and translating a scancode into a readable character. This will let us in the future to implement our own command line interpreter, and other cool stuffs.