

Whether you’re reading this online, or in a book, welcome to our collection of notes about operating systems development! We’ve written these while writing (and re-writing) our own kernels, with the intent of guiding a reader through the various stages of building an operating system from scratch. We’ve tried to focus more on the concepts and theory behind the various components, with the code only provided to help solidify some concepts.

We hope you enjoy, and find something interesting here!

Structure Of The Book

The book is divided in parts and every part is composed by one or more chapter. Each numbered chapter adds a new layer to the kernel, expanding its capabilities. While it’s not strictly necessary to read them in order, it is encouraged as some later chapters may reference earlier ones.

There is also a series of appendices at the end of the book, covering some extra topics that may be useful along the way. The appendices are intended to be used as a reference, and can be read at any time.

Topics covered

As we’ve already mentioned, our main purpose here is to guide the reader through the general process of building a kernel (and surrounding operating system). We’re using x86_64 as our reference architecture, but most of the concepts should transfer to other architectures, with the exception of the very early stages of booting.

Below the list of parts that compose the book:

In the appendices we cover various topic, from debugging tips, language specific information, troubleshooting, etc.