
Debug with GDB

This file will show the use of gdb to debugging binary kernel file.

Add -s -S flag along with Qemu Run i.e.

Open a ubuntu terminal and run

qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom build/KeblaOS-0.11-image.iso  -m 4096 -serial file:debug/serial_output.log -d guest_errors,int,cpu_reset -D debug/qemu.log -vga std -machine ubuntu -s -S

Now open another Ubuntu Terminal tab and run

gdb build/kernel.bin

Now in 2nd terminal tab run target remote:1234.

layout asm for see asm layout

break kmain to enter inside of kmain function

stepi to increase step inside of kmain function.

Suppos your kmain is look follow

void kmain(){

You want to look inside of fun3() after running fun1() and fun2() then you need to run below commands

break fun3();

Now see below code to look inside of a specific address

(gdb) break *0x1000  # Break at address 0x1000
(gdb) break isr_common_stub  # Break at the ISR common stub
(gdb) continue
(gdb) info registers
(gdb) next # step over function
(gdb) disassemble main

Set up rax with 0x1234 value

(gdb) set $rax = 0x1234

Setting 0x1000 pointer with value 0xdeadbeef

(gdb) set *(int*)0x1000 = 0xdeadbeef

To see the 0x1000 address

(gdb) x/4x 0x1000

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